Wednesday, 28 July 2010

Pre-Election Military Operations by SPDC

27 Jul 2010

The SPDC military junta has started pre-election military operations, targeting the innocent Karen civilians in the Karen State and other KNU areas.

1. On July 23 at 10:00 am, the SPDC troops heavily shelled with mortars Tha-dah-Der village in Papun (Mudraw) District for more than 4 hours and at about 2:30 pm, the SPDC troops entered the village and burnt down 57 houses, one Christian church, one middle school building and other farm huts. The villagers had to flee for their lives and go into hiding, leaving most of their possessions. There are 540 persons in hiding, including 178 students and villagers from a nearby village. They are now hiding in the jungle without proper shelter, facing much problem as it is now the middle of the rainy season with daily heavy down pours. Particularly, the women and children are in high risk health situation in the jungle, with swarms of disease bearing bugs and mosquito and the scarcity of clean water.

2. The villagers in Wawlay areas to the south of Myawaddy town ,Doopla Ya district start to flee since a few days ago. Yesterday, on July 25, more than 100 families had gathered near the border, and some families have already crossed into Thailand for refuge, as the combined SPDC and DKBA troops are approaching the area in preparation for offensive. It appears that with its heavy weapon support, the SPDC again is forcing the DKBA units loyal to it to attack, occupy and control the area.

3. On July 10, 2010, troops of Column-2 from LIB-704 commanded by officer Mo Aye and under the Military Operation Command-4, active in the Papun area, stopped for the night in Kay Kaw village of Papun District. One of the soldiers from the column, named Than Htun Aye, raped a married woman Naw Mu Hseet, aged 27 at about 1:30 am, while she was going out to the toilet. He seized her, covered her mouth with clothes and raped her.

4. The SPDC troops continue widespread human rights violations against the civilians in Karen State and other Karen areas. In this month, the human rights violations by the SPDC troops are on the increase in Papun (Mu-draw), Kawkareik (Doo-pla-ya), Toungoo (Taw-oo), Thaton (Doo-tha-htoo) and Nyaunglaybin (Kler-lwee-htu) Districts.

It appears that there will be more attacks on Karen civilians and human rights violations in the Thai-Burma border areas. All concerned should respond to this emergency so that the fleeing civilians may take refuge in safe areas and get necessary support for survival of the new refugees. We would like to call on the international community including U.S, UK, EU and UN agencies to call on the SPDC military regime to stop immediately the military attacks and gross human rights violations against the Karen people, who have been reduced to the status of one of the poorest peoples in Burma, because of decades of severe oppression by successive military dictatorships, in the never ending civil war.

Supreme Headquarter
Karen National Union

Friday, 23 July 2010

I am waiting for

Some amazing paintings of Maung Maung Tinn, who is the refugee from Burma. He was born of Karen mother and Shan father in Karen state 1969. Please go to his webpage for more paintings and information.

Question of Unity & Victory - Karen Unity Seminar 2010


(May 17 to 22, 2010)

Presentation by Saw D. Tharckabaw, KNU

Question of Unity & Victory


In our struggle for freedom, justice, democracy and peace, we all know that unity of each party, as well as all parties involved in the struggle, is necessary for early, final victory. For one reason or another, the struggle has dragged on and the unity we seek is still unrealized. However, the circumstances are now more favorable for the unity we have been seeking and it is time for all of us to make utmost effort to achieve solid unity and early victory.

The first and most important element for unity is unity of thought. From unity of thought, we derive unity of purpose and action, cooperation and coordination within each party and among all the parties to build up the necessary force and support for gaining victory.

Remember that victory against the enemy does not mean the end of our struggle. We will have to struggle on to build up the kind of freedom, justice, democracy and peace the people need and constantly be vigilant to protect them. Solid unity will still be necessary when we are in the process to reconstruct our country.

Brief Historical Development

“Those who cannot learn from history are doomed to repeat it,” says Santayana, a well known philosopher, essayist, poet, and novelist. Knowledge of history is essential for us if we are to avoid past mistakes, deception by the enemy and to chart a viable course for our struggle and the nation.

Tuesday, 13 July 2010

Burma’s Nuclear Ambitions Could Divert International Focus


Burma’s Nuclear Ambitions Could Divert International Focus
By MARK FARMANER Thursday, July 8, 2010

Rumors about a secret nuclear program in Burma have been circulating for years. They were so persistent it seemed likely there was something behind them, but there was no evidence to back the claims. Some individuals published exaggerated and unsubstantiated claims, which had the opposite effect they had intended, making observers more sceptical, believing the claims were politically motivated.

However, in recent months there have been a series of reports from defectors claiming Burma does have nuclear ambitions. The latest, in a documentary made by the Democratic Voice of Burma (DVB), and broadcast on Al Jazeera, have gained international attention. The reports even led American Senator Jim Webb to cancel a visit which he had planned to use as a launchpad for persuading the US to adopt a policy of appeasement towards the war criminals ruling Burma.

The documentary has detailed photographic evidence which has been verified by experts. Burma’s generals may still be a long way from developing weapons, but it appears that at the very least, the intention is there.