Thursday, 11 March 2010

Bwa Bwa Phan addressed the FCO and DFID briefly about the KNU on the Global Day of Action

March 9th 2010.

There are a lot of lies spread about the KNU, so I would like to tell you briefly about my organisation.

We, the Karen National Union (KNU) are a political organisation, founded to represent the Karen people in their struggle to live free from oppression. In 1949 we took up arms to defend our people from attacks, and we have been fighting to defend our people ever since. We democratically elect our leaders, and want a federal democratic Burma in which all the people of Burma can live side by side in peace.

We have a military wing called Karen National Liberated Army (KNLA). They are the only protection Karen civilians have from the Junta’s attacks.

Since the regime is blocking aid reaching people who are hiding in the jungle, cross-aid is the only way to provide food, medicine and shelter to those on the run from the new attacks. We, the KNU, thank the British Government for providing some cross-border aid through Thailand Burma Border Consortium (TBBC). However, the need is huge and immediate. Therefore we ask your government to fund more cross-border aid. Unlike the military dictatorship, the KNU agree to meet all requirements regarding aid delivery.

 Surprisingly, many governments are interested in this coming election planned by the regime. The KNU does not believe that this run up election will bring any changes in Burma . The new constitutions drafted by the military regime guarantee no rights or protection to ethnic nationalities. In fact, it is a death sentence for ethnic diversity in Burma .

A dictatorship that is genuine about reform does not fire mortar bombs at schoolchildren. We are concerned that most of the international community only looks at what goes on with Daw Aung San Suu Kyi and the National League for Democracy (NLD), while ignoring abuses against ethnic people.

We request that your government to recognise the important role the ethnic nationalities in Burma have in the future democratic development Burma.

 Nant Bwa Bwa Phan
KNU Representative
United Kingdom
Phone: +44(0)77 39872481

Karen National Union is a democratic organisation, representing the entire Karen people of Burma. Our goal is peace and prosperity in a democratic federal Burma.

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