Wednesday, 20 October 2010

The 2nd Conference of European Karen Network will be held in Denmark in December


                 Karen communities in Europe,

It is my pleasure to invite your organization to the second annual meeting of European Karen Network, which will be held in Nyborg, Denmark, from 28-29 December 2010. The purpose of this meeting is to discuss about the work of European Karen Network, to build more understanding among different communities and work towards the goal of the network.

The European Karen Network aims to raise awareness about the situation in Karen State and Burma as a whole and pressure European governments to do more to bring about democratic transition in Burma.

The 4 key objectives are:
  1. To act as a strong public voice on behalf of the Karen National Union, which is the true representative of the Karen people of Burma, and is a democratic Karen organization committed to human rights and democracy in Burma, and to raise awareness about the suffering of the Karen people and the struggle for a federal Burma where all people live in peace, democracy and harmony.
  2. To strengthen and improve coordination of Karen communities Europe wide.
  3. To seek stronger action on Burma from the international communities including European governments, the European Union, the United Nations Security Council, and other governments and international institutions.
  4. To promote unity among Karen worldwide and foster contacts with all Karen people from Burma, including in Kawthoolei (Karen State), and other Karen people worldwide.
I would be grateful if you could let me know whether you are available to participate and how many of you will be able to join us.

Below is briefing information with details for the meeting arrangement. If you have any queries, please don’t hesitate to contact me.

Yours faithfully,

Nan Kyi Aye
Meeting organizer
Representative from Karen Community Norway.

PS. If you are a Karen and living in any countries of Europe and would like to attend this conference, please contact us here at facebook.

1 comment:

  1. Hello, This is Dr. Alexander Horstmann writing, the anthropologist visiting you in Sheffield. I am now in Helsinki. Can you give me the telephone number of key members in Finnland? Thanks so much, Alex

    Please write to or
